Summer Research Program

Summer Research Program

summer research program scholar in a laboratory

An Intensive Summer Research Experience

The Nebraska Summer Research Program (SRP) offers undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in nationally funded research groups across multiple disciplines. This intensive summer research experience provides mentoring and research experiences while allowing scholars to preview graduate school life. Students are selected to work closely with a specific faculty mentor and their team of researchers throughout the summer on a project condensed to fit the 10-week timeframe. Students with a strong interest in graduate programs are encouraged to apply, as are those from populations traditionally underrepresented in graduate education. 

A Community of Scholars

Scholars working with plants

Partnerships make the Nebraska Summer Research Program (SRP) possible. The Summer Research Program is a consortium of NSF funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), NIFA USDA funded Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU), and other Summer Research Opportunities Programs (SROP). Additional funding is provided by the Department of Defense, the Nebraska Center for Virology, and the Vice Chancellor for Research.

One unique feature of the Program is the partnership between the REU, REEU, and SROP programs and the Office of Graduate Studies. Students benefit from having a community of scholars in which to learn and to share research with.


SRP Programs

Explore Programs

What matters most to you? Our broad range of Summer Research Programs offers you the chance to shape your future. Some of our programs include:

  • Applied Plant Systems
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Nanotechnology
  • and many others...
SRP Programs →

SRP Benefits

Get Paid While Learning

Why spend your summer researching? The Summer Research Program offers scholars numerous financial and academic benefits. Scholars can expect:

  • Competitive stipend
  • Free room and board
  • Highly engaging mentoring experience
  • Participation in meaningful research projects
  • Collaboration with a community of scholars
SRP Benefits →

SRP Timeline


When is the application due?  Each year application, admittance, and participation in the Summer Research Program occurs in the following timeline: 

  • November 15: Online application opens.
  • February 1: Priority deadline.
  • March 1: Application deadline.
  • Mid-April: Admissions decisions complete.
  • The Program runs 10 weeks from June 2 to August 8.
SRP Timeline →

SRP & Graduate Studies

Since 2007, The Office of Graduate Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has provided the program infrastructure for individual research groups. The office administers and oversees the application process, student communication, and acts as a resource for scholars throughout their summer experience. Graduate Studies coordinates the students' travel and housing, sponsors social events, and offers professional development workshops to assist students in their pursuit of graduate education. 

Summer research program events sponsored by Graduate Studies include:

  • Planning and Preparing for Graduate School Workshop
  • GRE Prep Workshop
  • Arrival Day Pizza Party
  • First Week Welcome Picnic
  • Omaha Trip
  • Outdoor Adventures
  • Banquet
  • Summer Research Symposium and Poster Session

To learn more about our Graduate Programs, visit our website by clicking the button below.

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